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Major Household Appliances for: Home, Apartments & Construction
Your trusted appliance provider since 1973.

Appliance Store Testimonials

Our appliance store values sales & service customer feedback!

“When Lynn Cunningham Appliance sells an Appliance, a Relationship begins.”
– Daily Times-Call (Home and Real Estate Weekly December 31st, 2005)

“In addition to providing high end products and superior customer service, Lynn Cunningham Appliance has inexpensive products for apartments and midrange appliances for the average home, as well as replacement parts for do-it-yourselfers”
– Lynn Cunningham, Owner

“We focus on Exceptional Performance. Everything Lynn Cunningham offers is driven by engineering breakthroughs and the best technology available.”
– Chris Ramirez, Sales Manager

“Our professional installation goes beyond just putting the appliance in it’s place. We cover delicate floors, make and test all connections. We level, and check operation of each appliance once installed. We shine up your new product, clean up our workspace, haul away trash and the old appliance, leaving you nothing to do but enjoy your new appliance.”
– Installation Team